Stay tuned for information regarding upcoming continuing education opportunities!
Register for Reflexive ACTion: Utilizing acceptance and commitment therapy to support counseling self-supervision at:
Hope Springs Therapy Services, PLLC NBCC Continuing Education Policies
Confidentiality of Participant Information
Hope Springs Therapy Services, PLLC protects participant information received during registration such as name, address, social security number, email address, and financial information.
Program Complaints
If a participant or potential participant would like to express a concern about Hope Springs Therapy Services, PLLC or a continuing education program provided by Hope Springs Therapy Services, PLLC, the individual may call 828-423-0104 or email hannah@hopespringstherapyNC.com. Although we do not guarantee a particular outcome, Hope Springs Therapy Services will consider the complaint, make any necessary decisions, and respond within 14 days.
Fees, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy
Sixty (60) days prior to the opportunity, registrants will receive a full refund of registration fee.
Thirty (30) days prior to the opportunity, registrants will receive a 50% refund of their registration fee.
Two weeks prior to the opportunity, registrants will receive 25% refund of their registration fee.
Participants forced to withdraw for medical/emergency reasons may be eligible to receive a prorated refund.
Participants will be required to sign in including time of signing in before the course starts and after each break to verify attendance. Partial credit for attendance will not be accepted at this time.
Record Keeping and Retention
Participants are responsible for retaining their original certificates of attendance and completion.
Electronic records including participant information, attendance records, and participant certificates of completion will be retained for five years on Hope Springs Therapy Services, PLLC’s HIPAA-compliant Google drive. At this time, Hope Springs Therapy Services, PLLC does not utilize paper records. After five years, the electronic records will be purged.
Disclosure or Use of Client Information in a CE Program
Client information will not be disclosed by Hope Springs Therapy Service, PLLC or by participants during presentations unless proper informed consent has been obtained for use in a continuing education program.
Composites of real-life case examples are commonly used in continuing education programs to provide examples or facilitate discussion while maintaining confidentiality.
ADA Accommodations
Participants are able to request accommodations in the course registration. Participants are also able to email hannah@hopespringstherapyNC.com at least two weeks prior to the course to request accommodations.